Secure monitoring

As you would expect, the comprehensive nature of the APS RoboWatch Tower solution extends to the operational side of things too. Our highly-secure CAT II control room is self-contained and independently powered to ensure business continuity, even in the face of adversity. Secure communication lines and highly trained, SIA licensed controllers ensure that your footage is always in safe hands and is monitored only by those who have the training and clearance to do so. Criminals and vandals don’t stick to office hours, so we don’t either: our site is manned 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year.

Disaster Recovery is something we’d probably rather not have to think about, but we live in times of fast-changing conditions and planning for the possible is an important part of ensuring business resilience. In the highly unlikely event of APS needing to evacuate HQ at short notice, we are able to replicate our control centre in minutes within a secure satellite site. That means there’s no break in service and there’s no risk of compromising security.


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